Success is a story that you script, it doesn't happen by accident. And while success stories are diverse, they all have one thing in common - the protagonist, the central character of the story. In your world, YOU are the central character, the protagonist. Whether you realize or not, you're already a hero. You just need to present your gripping story to an audience eagerly waiting for the tale of the valiant warrior - you.
Your story is your self-image. How you present yourself is your narrative. It's the fate of the hero.
- Bob Proctor
The science behind this is called Cybernetics which shows the image we project serves as a roadmap and then pilots us to the desired destination.

If you thought it was the suit that heads the red carpet, you're wrong. Nothing works up a powerful man image like watches and wallets (we'll come to that next). Women are fascinated by men who wear quality timepieces. Even a midrange Victorinox Swiss watch creates that aura of elegance and attitude.

A wallet is said to mirror a man's soul. Get this one right by all means. Get a wallet that reflects quality, craftsmanship, and all-around perfection.
The best slim wallets for the new-age power look are the metal wallets. Head straight for the GRID metal wallets if you're looking for the Swiss standard in slim wallets. Nicknamed the 'Boardroom Wallet', this metal wallet oozes quality, class, elegance, and the highest standard in craftsmanship. A man is what he appreciates and focuses on. Women know this intrinsically, and many admit that they find a man with a metal slim wallet to be more seductive.
Your story is your self-image. How you present yourself is your narrative. It's the fate of the hero.
“While your physical body and appearance are important, it’s the self-image that’s locked in your subconscious mind that really counts. For this is the image that determines your success or failure in life. While, the real you is perfect, boundless, and is always looking for ways to expand, the self-image in your mind is based on false and limited information that sets the boundaries for every area of your life."
- Bob Proctor
Presenting The High-Performance Successful YOU
After light years of advancement in our understanding of the human brain, the human psyche still remains mysterious, at large from the grasp of our understanding. But, we know one thing. What we see, what we hear, and what we say, shapes who we are.The science behind this is called Cybernetics which shows the image we project serves as a roadmap and then pilots us to the desired destination.
Essential Element Of The Power Image
Men have been obsessed with the 'power look' since the days of Egyptians, all the way to the Romans, and it led the greatest of modern men - from Shakespeare to Nikola Tesla, Churchill, and Abraham Lincoln.
So, what elements work up the power image?
Watch. Hour Of Glory.

If you thought it was the suit that heads the red carpet, you're wrong. Nothing works up a powerful man image like watches and wallets (we'll come to that next). Women are fascinated by men who wear quality timepieces. Even a midrange Victorinox Swiss watch creates that aura of elegance and attitude.
Wallet. It’s What You’re Made Of.

A wallet is said to mirror a man's soul. Get this one right by all means. Get a wallet that reflects quality, craftsmanship, and all-around perfection.
The best slim wallets for the new-age power look are the metal wallets. Head straight for the GRID metal wallets if you're looking for the Swiss standard in slim wallets. Nicknamed the 'Boardroom Wallet', this metal wallet oozes quality, class, elegance, and the highest standard in craftsmanship. A man is what he appreciates and focuses on. Women know this intrinsically, and many admit that they find a man with a metal slim wallet to be more seductive.
Sunglasses. Lenses Of Success.
Time to ditch the 'dope' beach glasses that girls would stare at when you were in college. To step up, you need a formidable pair that allows you to reunite with your inner strength. Follow your own style but wear a pair that doesn't distort your vision. I personally prefer an Italian-made RayBan aviator but you can choose from other quality brands like Oakley and Ralph Lauren.RELATED ARTICLES
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