Did you know how much women notice men's wallets? I had no idea. Only last week, I went to a party and met a girl from Huntington Beach. She was stunning from head to toe. Her hair was artfully disheveled, and resembled silk, with buttery highlights and soft layers for that famously French insouciance. But why am I telling you this? Because she revealed a shocking truth about men, wallets, and how women perceive them together. I’ll break down what I learned and you will be thankful the next time you’re out on a hot date.
Women like certain attributes in men, they all do. And these attributes are shown in how a man carries himself - what he wears and what he holds. Women have intuition far deeper and stronger than men. Some can read you like an open book from your shoe or wallet, and depending on that, decide to come close or walk away.
Can Wallets Influence Your Dating Chances?
Science shows it can and women testify to that. The Journal of Experimental Psychology notes that style and color can have a direct impact on our confidence levels. They revealed that over 96% of people report a shift in an emotional state with a change in style. And it’s not just men, it has a direct impact on the woman in front of you. So, we went out and asked women of all races, ages, and styles .. and here’s what we found.
Two things women find hard to resist in a man are - a Swiss watch and a sleek, tasteful wallet. Since learning this, I’ve used them on dates on multiple occasions, and here's the good news … It works like a charm. I saved up and invested in a Longines HydroConquest watch and I’m about to show you the wallet.
Nail It With These Top 5 Card Wallets
There’s an infinite choice for card wallets these days. They all look smart and dope on airbrushed images but you can tell the difference as soon as you hold one. I suggest you stay away from the cheap knock-offs. Any one of these 5 wallets below will make her go weak in the knees.
GRID Metal Card Wallet
This metal cardholder from GRID is by far the number one lady’s man. You’ll never find a better wingman. This premium wallet speaks volumes about you without saying a word. Every inch of this metal wallet is crafted with immaculate care and precision. It’s minimalistic, it’s bold and it's a card wallet like nothing else. This is the wallet of a man who knows what he wants and stands out from the crowd. It’ll get her heart racing and imagination soaring.
GRID offers a wide range of styles and colors. Pick any but the Carbon Fiber one and Titanium card wallet are total magnets for ladies.
The Bellroy Sleeve Card Wallet
This gorgeous leather bifold ticks all the boxes. It’s slim, it’s stylish and it’s a perfect accompaniment on dates.
Apple MagSafe Card Wallet
If you’re an iPhone user, you’ve probably already heard about this one. This is a high quality leather card wallet from Apple. It’s minimalistic, stylish, functional and it never fails to impress the ladies. You never know who you're gonna snap up with this magnetic wallet.